Gardening Design Wellbeing
• Gardening
The show is a leader in launching new plant species which promotes consumer learning and engagement with plant breeders internationally. The show is a centre for exploring new ideas in gardening techniques aimed at a wide range of gardeners from the amateur to the professional.
• Design
A key feature of the show is that it looks to present the future of horticulture and outdoor environment design.
Designers and landscapers from across Sydney, Australia and the world create display gardens that extend the boundaries of the imagination. Other exhibitors such as florists and artists create inspirational displays and retailers see the show as the place to launch new ideas and products in gardening and horticulture. The show proactively seeks out new design products and fresh ideas to showcase annually.
• Wellbeing
The wellbeing information presented at the show encourage gardening amateurs and professionals alike to live a healthier, more informed and productive life. The show links garden design to wellbeing and is a platform for cutting edge wellbeing talks by leading professionals in health and wellbeing.
This year at the Australian Garden Show Sydney, the focus is on happy and healthy backyard living using Artificial Grass. Sure, like last year, you will see many stunning garden designs, but this year will be also focused on the family.
Today, many families are opting to grow their own safe and tasty fruit, veggies and herbs at home. The added advantage is that kids are growing up learning all about healthy food and that healthy food is tasty and fun to grow. The kids will become grounded in the real world. Keeping chooks also help kids to understand where eggs come from and what the responsible care of livestock is all about. Every chook that you keep frees another battery hen from its tiny cage or overcrowded barn.
Kids are a major focus at this year’s show, with many fun things for the kids to get involved in. We have a kids garden area called aMaze, where kids learn how to connect with nature. They can do everything from moving a dirt mountain to learning how to pot up plants and take them home. There are hidden adventures inside magical tree canopies where kids can enter a private world and create things while mum & dad or grandma & grandpa relax nearby – seated at tables having a relaxing lunch ora break in beautiful surrounds.
This will also be an excellent opportunity for grandparents to pass on gardening secrets and techniques to their grandchildren – precious days indeed!
We will also have a rare chicken breed auction. This will enable people to cheaply buy exquisite black & white spotted chickens, or silky chickens, or many breeds that almost never become available to the public.
We will have many talks on keeping chickens from leading chicken experts. You will even see demonstrations on how to wash a chook.
Jim Fogarty, Nigel Ruck and I will create and build a very modern garden called the Backyard Farm, as you watch! Over the four days of the Australian Garden Show Sydney, Jim, Nigel, and I will construct the Backyard Farm in front of your eyes. We will use, recycle and re-use whatever we can get, including scraps and leftovers from the other display gardens. We will even ask you to tell us what you want included in the design, ask for your tips and advice, or even get you to help us build it!
By the end, Jim, Nigel and I (with your help) will have a superb area for food production, kids adventures, home entertaining and all round garden fun.